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Monday, 22 November 2010

Textual Analysis of "smaart talent"

Smaart Talent is the masthead Talent has been written in pink I think this is for one of two reasons either because there is a picture of a male on the cover so the pink helps give it some appeal to females, the other reason would be because there are some slight tones of pink on the newspaper so it helps compliment the picture. The cover lines are very good for enticing the target audience because it’s all stuff students would want to know about, for example the bit where it says advice on courses, careers and universities. The cover photograph is an extreme close up of someone called MC Riz and has been cropped so we can only see some of his face. I think because MC Riz is Asian and is in the film three lions the idea of wrapping newspaper round his head with articles to do with oil it’s meant to be like he’s a terrorist, this helps create a sense of humour. Underneath the photograph we can see a caption which links to the main story inside which is MC Riz, rising star and Renaissance man. The phrase Renaissance man means a “person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas”. Picking someone like MC Riz helps inspire people as he’s almost a role model. Having a smaller more portable magazine means people are more likely to pick it up and read it than if it was a tabloid newspaper.

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